A few words about our Company

Trust in our experience

A trading firm called TOO “SHYM NPK” sells mineral fertilizers both domestically and internationally. It has served as the official trading house of Kazphosphate LLP, the biggest chemical facility in Central Asia that produces feed phosphates and mineral goods containing phosphorus, since 2022. Additionally, it is the authorized distributor of the world-renowned producer of environmentally friendly water-soluble fertilizers from YARA.
TOO “SHYM NPK” collaborates with numerous major mineral fertilizer manufacturers in the CIS, including Uralchem, Phosagro, Kuibyshev Azot, Shchekinoazot, Cashmere Capital, Siberian Plant of Mineral Fertilizers (SPMF), Mikhailovsky Plant of Chemical Reagents (MPCR), KJSC Azot, Navoiy Azot, and Buysky Chemical Plant. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, and complex fertilizers for basic, pre-sowing, at-sowing, and foliar dressing are among the products offered by the company. All grown crops in irrigated and rain-fed agriculture can receive the best and most long-lasting nourishment thanks to the quality of the specified products.

Our activities

Sale of Kazakhstani fertilizers

Kazphosphate LLP’s official trading house is TOO “SHYM NPK”. The product range comprises well-known fertilizers that are essential to productive farming, such as Ammophos NP 10:46, Sulphoammophos, Phosphogypsum, and others.

Supply of imported fertilizers

All of Kazakhstan’s major agro-industrial districts have warehouses that carry the company’s products. All year long, shipments of items are made for the convenience of clients. Additionally, we may supply fertilizers to your field right away, saving consumers time and money.

Agricultural Consulting

In order to help farmers all throughout Kazakhstan boost crop yields, TOO “SHYM NPK” Agricultural Service offers a wide range of services, including agrochemical soil analysis, field trial setup, creating an efficient mineral nutrition plan, and agronomic knowledge training.


Under the policy of subsidizing mineral fertilizers, TOO “SHYM NPK” is accredited in the QOLDAU.KZ information system, enabling farmers throughout Kazakhstan to purchase fertilizers and reimburse a portion of the expenses using public funds. For application registration, the company’s agricultural service offers consultancy services.


All TOO “SHYM NPK” products are available in warehouses in the cities of Kazakhstan. Shipments of products are made all year round


A personal agronomist consultant for quality control of farming systems

Quality assurance

All KAZCHEM products are registered, certified and comply with quality standards


Advanced training of agronomic knowledge


For the convenience of customers, fertilizers are delivered all year round, both to the railway station and to the customer’s warehouse

Shymkent, Al-Farabi district,
Tauke Khan avenue,
Building 94

Monday — Saturday: 8AM — 4PM

+44 333 014 4501